Oakridge Public Safety Advisory Committee Vacancy

The City of Oakridge is seeking citizens to serve on the Public Safety Advisory Committee.


The purpose of the committee is to advise and make recommendations to City Council regarding public safety issues and to aid city staff by providing input in the development of public safety policies and procedures.

Example Projects: 1) Review current public safety policy and recommend updates, 2) organize and conduct public forums on public safety, and 3) promote opportunities for citizens to assist public safety agencies (police, ems and fire) through volunteerism.

Term & Responsibilities

Term: 3-years, unless filling a resigned seat.

Member Responsibilities: Members will attend committee meetings, review prior meeting minutes, and complete any tasks that may have been assigned. Most meetings are held monthly and are 1-2 hours in duration. The time commitment per month varies by position and project. Members should anticipate spending anywhere from 1-5 hours per month on committee related work.

Ideal Candidate*

An ideal candidate for the Public Safety Committee would be someone who is passionate about community safety. They would work well in small teams, and on their own. Researching skills and being an effective communicator, would be helpful. Able to take on project work and follow through on tasks.

Desired Skills: 1) Group priorities and goal setting, 2) research via internet, 3) time management, 4) project development, 5) good communication, 6) professionalism, and 7) problem solving.

*Ideal but not required.

Applications will be accepted until filled.