2021 Oakridge Evacuation Plan

It's wildfire season and to protect you and your family you need to know what to do in the event of an evacuation. The attached plan has all the details but in brief:

1. Know the READY, SET, GO  levels of evacuation found here: https://lanecounty.org/government/county_departments/lane_county_emergen... and also attached below. 

2. Be prepared by registering for emergency alerts here: https://public.alertsense.com/SignUp/. In the event of pending emergency, listen to the radio, TV and follow the city and Lane County Sheriff's Office social media pages for instructions.  There will be postings at the fire department and city hall. 

3. Evacuation route: The primary evacuation route is OR-58 West unless the situation dictates otherwise. 

4. Evacuation Center: For those unable to evacuate independently, the primary evacuation center is the Oakridge High School unless otherwise designated due to the emergency.

5. For residents unable to get to the evacuation center, you may pre-register at city hall to be placed on a pickup list by calling 541-782-2258. For those not registered and need a pickup during the emergency, call the Incident Command Center at 541-782-2258. 

6. Red Cross shelters will be established in safe locations and directions will be included in the evacuation order.