Work Force

The available workforce of Oakridge is not limited to the city limits. In addition to local workers, trained and skilled staff can easily commute from Eugene and Springfield, bringing the available workforce to well over 100,000 people!

Most residents are skilled in blue collar labor, though 10% of Oakridge residents age 25 or older have a bachelors degree or higher. If you are unable to find workers with the right skills locally, the City of Oakridge can arrange comprehensive training through its close connections with WorkSource Oregon and the Oregon Business Organization area representative. Failing that, the University of Oregon, Lane Community College and other institutions of higher learning can provide specialists in just about any area you might need. Consult the websites below.

With home prices well below those in the metropolitan area of Eugene/Springfield, many employees will be attracted to the area if jobs are available because of its many recreational amenities and excellent schools. In fact, more of our high school seniors go on to colleges and universities than any school in the state. These motivated students would love to stay in Oakridge and work locally; supplying some of the state’s best and brightest to your team.

Labor Market Information

The following information has been pulled from the State of Oregon Employment Department Website, The data provided is from an Oakridge area perspective. Evaluation of this data should provide future employers to Oakridge with confidence in the potential for staffing their operations.

Labor Wage Rate and Related Information

This web site provides comprehensive labor information on wages, and related information:

Recruitment Services 

This website provides information for services of recruitment, screening, testing and referral of applicants and consulting on workforce needs: 

This website provides an explanation of their training services which can be customized to fit the businesses’ needs:

Business Oregon Organization Support 

This website provides comprehensive business information under the topics of The Oregon Advantage, Grow Your Business, Financing Resources, Innovation, More Business Support, Commission and Contact:

  • Our Oregon Business Contact for Oakridge is Bob Warren, 541-346-8620 (work), 541-954-0930 (cell).  Mr. Warren works closely with the Oakridge City Administrator and the Oakridge Economic Development Advisory  Committee (OEDAC).  Mr. Warren and the City can provide special consultation to businesses seeking a location and asssistance.