Oakridge Community Toys for Tots

Distribution is Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Distribution Location is Oakridge Fire Department, 47592 Hwy 58. Oakridge, Oregon.

Tickets will be issued Friday. December 10th, 2021, beginning 8:00 am at the Oakridge
Fire Department. Tickets are issued to minimize wait time at the distribution.

Show up with ALL your documentation for each child! We plan on getting you served
as quickly as possible. For the ticket issue please be prepared to be outside for a while.
We strongly suggest you do not bring children with you to either event.

The event will be drive thru the building bays and pick up toys to reduce contact. Please
complete the received paperwork and return on Friday to allow for a quicker process.

Information required to receive toys is the following. (NO PHOTOCOPIES)
Proof of residency in Lane County
Proof that the children live ·with you
Proof of child's age

For Parents:
Local Photo ID OR Photo ID with local mail (to prove residency in Lane County).

For Children:
The first sheet of a medical card showing both the parents and child's names.

DHS paperwork that includes both the parent's and child's names.

Any other legal document that includes both the parents and child's names.