Oakridge-Westfir Housing Needs Analysis

What are Oakridge and Westfir's Housing Needs?

No matter if you are a renter or looking to own, housing in Oregon is becoming less affordable, available, and attainable. Currently, there are limited housing options to meet the needs for both existing and future residents of Oakridge and Westfir, and there is no established roadmap for understanding and determining the types of housing that are most needed, and to what degree.

Luckily, the cities of Oakridge and Westfir have been awarded funding through the State of Oregon to tackle this problem by (1) evaluating the cities’ housing needs and (2) identifying actions and solutions to address those housing needs. This process is called a Housing Needs Analysis (HNA).

What is a Housing Needs Analysis?

A Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) is a study of a city’s existing and future housing needs. The HNA is used to determine if the city has enough land zoned for housing to meet projected needs over 20 years. It also helps a city determine if more land is needed for specific type(s) of housing, such as apartments or single-family detached houses. Further, the findings of an HNA help the city to identify actions and solutions to facilitate development of the housing that is needed, such as zoning changes or incentive programs.

Why are Oakridge & Westfir conducting a Housing Needs Analysis?

Though the cities of Oakridge and Westfir are not required by the state to produce a Housing Needs Analysis or a Housing Production Strategy, the cities were awarded a technical assistance grant through the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to produce its first Housing Needs Analysis.

The goals of this project include developing an updated understanding of what housing is needed for current and future residents and recommending a set of actions for the cities to take to promote the development of all identified housing needs.

How will the community be engaged in the process?

Public engagement and involvement are essential to the success of this project. The primary objectives of engagement are to: 

  1. Collaborate with community partners to involve a broad range of the community in the planning process to advance equitable access to housing.
  2. Lay the groundwork for updating tools, actions and policies.
  3. Understand the community's priorities and concerns with regard to potential changes that may take place as a result of measures identified to accommodate needed housing.

These goals will be met through a range of engagement options, such as public open houses, small group meetings, surveys, and meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council.



Do you have a few minutes to tell us what you think about housing needs in Oakridge? We want to hear from you! Go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/oakridge-westfir-housing to take the survey.

Survey CLOSED October 2, 2022. 


What will happen after the Housing Needs Analysis is completed and adopted?

Once the HNA has been adopted, the cities can begin to implement actions and changes identified in the plan. This may include additional planning processes, zoning code updates, rezoning certain areas, establishing incentive programs, or other actions.

Each of these actions will involve additional public outreach and engagement and the actions will be implemented over several months or years.

How can I learn more about the Housing Needs Analysis?

Contact Rick Zylstra, Oakridge Community Development Director at rickzylstra@ci.oakridge.or.us or (541) 782‑2258.